Now Registering Students For Academic Year 2020-2021


Classes are never boring and no man is ever left behind

After completing The Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) I was placed at The Queen’s School for Girls. Here, I completed 4 years from a normal 5-year high school programme after which my parents decided that this was not the best environment for me. Therefore, they made the decision to transfer me to the best high school in Clarendon being Glenmuir High School.


I had friends at this institution prior to attending, these friends introduced me to their friends in turn allowing me to make new ones. One person being Shamar Spaulding. He introduced me to an extra class programme for Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) classes that he was at attending located in Mineral Heights. At this time, it was referred to as Morgan’s High Performance Academy. I attended classes for English Language, Mathematics and Human and Social Biology. When I began my grades were not the best and a lot of my family did not have faith in me, but Mr. Morgan did. He taught me English Language and at every weekly session he never failed to encourage me to do my best.  


I can say by first-hand experience that the classes are never boring, the teachers are encouraging, and no man is ever left behind. After receiving my results Mr. Morgan was the first person I called. Not only did I pass my subjects, but I also received a straight A profile in English Language and Human and Social Biology and a Grade 2 in Mathematics. I felt extremely and immensely proud to say the least. I was then accepted into The Mico University College where I am currently pursing my third year of Primary School Education Programme.  

Toni Ann Sanderson PSA President

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