Now Registering Students For Academic Year 2020-2021


Its clear that his classes were way ahead of its time

I attended Morgan’s Academy  in 2008. Looking back at my experience there it is now clear that his classes were way ahead of its time. The classroom was nestled in a quiet, air conditioned environment, with lessons that were innovative, and highly technological. The teacher showed great zest and possessed an adept knowledge in his content and even brought us on numerous trips to picturesque environments miles away from campus, so we could garner real world experiences and hone our expressive writing skills. Academic improvements among students were also highlighted and friendly competitions were encouraged. Class room sizes were small and well equipped for learning, the teacher showed great zeal, passion and dramatic demonstrations in each class. He could bring any literacy piece to life, which captivated our attention and widened our imaginations. Even though I am now a Mathematics specialist, my mastery in English literature has lead me to be of great assistance to college students who have majored in this subject. There was never a dull moment in his class, the atmosphere was warm and the teacher was approachable, to this day I am proud to say I was his student.

Kayon 2008-2009

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