Now Registering Students For Academic Year 2020-2021


I emerged from a cocoon of timidity, into who I am today

I wanted to empower myself, and furthering my education was the best way to move forward. Being a mother of four, going back to school would have been arduous, but then hearing about Mr Morgan’s High Performance Academy and their programme which would make my goal attainable, I enrolled without reluctance.

My vocabulary has augmented immensely, as we would be endowed with new words each week, and not just learning them, but owning them. 

I left high school with a grade four in English, after being a scholar of this said academy, I was the 2019 CXC English Language Marathon Champion with over one hundred participants. 

This colloquium is no mundane seminary I emerged from a cocoon of timidity, into who I am today. The sky is not the limit, it transcends our limited minds!

Chanique Baker 2018-2019

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